Saturday, August 18, 2007

Strangers on a Train

I really want to watch all the movies in my collection before the start of college. So, I gave this Hitchcock movie a try today.

Let's start be saying that the movie idea was new: two strangers having an innocent conversation while on a train may cause more problems than they imagined. But the problem of the movie was that while the movie plot was great and the acting was superb (as any thing you would expect by Hitchcock), the general pace of the movie was lacking. I think the movie could have been a little shorter. I don't mind long movie, and Strangers on a Train is not long, it's just an hour and 40 minutes long, but I think it could have been shorter, say 1 hour and 15 minutes at max.

Short movies are not bad. I have recently seen Christopher Nolan's debut movie, Following. The movie is very short, but that works for it, as anything longer would have been bad. I will try to review this movie some day. Nolan is one of my favourite directors.

Anyway, I am not saying that Strangers on a Train is a bad movie. Not at all. It was enjoyable. But I didn't enjoy it as I did enjoy other Hitchcock movies (Like The Birds, Rear Window, Psycho, North by Northwest and Vertigo). Maybe because there was no James Stewart in this one!

My next Hitchcock movie, God willing, will be Lifeboat. I have seen this movie as a kid. It's time that I watch it again as a grown up.

Score: 7/10

Best quote:

"My theory is that everyone is a potential murderer."
- Bruno

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