Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Bioshock: thoughts

NO. I haven't played this game yet. This is by no means a review. I am just expressing my thoughts. The system requirements for this game are exactly those of my REX. It will be simply unplayable.

Ever since the first trailers, I fell in love with this game. I really liked the atmosphere. The game world reminds me of Dark City, a very good sci-fi movie that almost no one remembers because it was overshadowed by The Matrix.

It may be a lot of time before I can play this game.

The game received a 9.7 from IGN and a 9.0 from Gamespot.

A Big Daddy... Run!

Saturday, August 18, 2007

BioShock: IGN review

This game is one of the main reason that I want to upgrade my PC, er..., Metal Gear REX. It's just too old!

IGN reviewed the game and gave it a 9.7. I don't like their reviews in general, but it is something to read until Gamespot release theirs.

Check some trailers and gameplay videos on

Strangers on a Train

I really want to watch all the movies in my collection before the start of college. So, I gave this Hitchcock movie a try today.

Let's start be saying that the movie idea was new: two strangers having an innocent conversation while on a train may cause more problems than they imagined. But the problem of the movie was that while the movie plot was great and the acting was superb (as any thing you would expect by Hitchcock), the general pace of the movie was lacking. I think the movie could have been a little shorter. I don't mind long movie, and Strangers on a Train is not long, it's just an hour and 40 minutes long, but I think it could have been shorter, say 1 hour and 15 minutes at max.

Short movies are not bad. I have recently seen Christopher Nolan's debut movie, Following. The movie is very short, but that works for it, as anything longer would have been bad. I will try to review this movie some day. Nolan is one of my favourite directors.

Anyway, I am not saying that Strangers on a Train is a bad movie. Not at all. It was enjoyable. But I didn't enjoy it as I did enjoy other Hitchcock movies (Like The Birds, Rear Window, Psycho, North by Northwest and Vertigo). Maybe because there was no James Stewart in this one!

My next Hitchcock movie, God willing, will be Lifeboat. I have seen this movie as a kid. It's time that I watch it again as a grown up.

Score: 7/10

Best quote:

"My theory is that everyone is a potential murderer."
- Bruno

The Man Who Wasn't There: I love B&W

Hello, dear readers.

I was going to write a boring intro for this blog as this is the first post. But I thought it was too much work and instead I watched a movie.

It was the Coen Brothers' The Man Who Wasn't There. Simply amazing, and this comes from a guy who has seen a lot of film-noirs. It captured the feeling, that strange feeling that you felt when you see Humphrey Bogart on the screen.

The story is pretty normal, but it's the storytelling and acting which are amazing. Billy Bob Thornton did a very good voice-over. He has this strong, sad and gritty voice that is typical for the role. I like this guy.

The rest of the cast were good, especially James Gandolfini (The Sopranos). Music was mostly piano sonatas by Beethoven and some jazz. Cinematography was great. I saw the original, theatrical B&W version, not the coloured one (which I own, but I don't think I will ever watch). Lighting and smoke were perfectly captured on screen. I hate cigarette smoke and smokers, but this time I didn't mind it: Thornton smokes in almost every scene of the movie. It gave me ideas!

This is not the first Coen Brothers movie that I have seen. I saw Miller's Crossing, Oh Brother Where Art Thou?, The Ladykillers and Fargo. I think I may need to watch Miller's Crossing and Fargo again, as those were the ones that I really liked and I haven't seen them in a long time. I still have to watch Blood Simple and The Big Lebowski.

Anyway, it was a nice movie: 8/10. Recommended if you want to watch a modern stylish movie in B&W.

Best quote:
"Me? I don't talk much. I just cut the hair."