Tuesday, January 26, 2010

(34) Days of America

Dear Readers,

I was accepted in a clinical clerkship that I applied for at Harvard University. More specifically, in the Orthopedics Department in Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston, Massachusetts. I thank God for this great opportunity and this chance to do something I always wanted to do and this is my last chance to do (more on this in later posts).

I know that I am terribly late in writing this. I have been in the US for almost 2 weeks (2 weeks tomorrow, God willing). But I have really busy and things have been really moving too fast that I didn't have the time to do anything. Actually, I still don't. And I am writing this just after I came from the hospital and I still have to eat something and then sleep really early because I have to be at the hospital at 6.15 am tomorrow, God willing. And to add to the fun, there is a snowstorm tomorrow, with warnings of up to 30 cm (Metric, people, metric. I refuse to use the inch) of snow fall...

I mean, if I am not going to blog about a unique experience like this, then what the hell am I going to blog about beside reviews that only 3 guys read?!

So, I am going to document my trip and what I have seen and done. And I am going to cheat. I am writing this on the 9th of February, but I am going to date it January 26th, which is the day just before I traveled. And I will do this till I am up to date.

Yours amorphously,
Amorphous Snake

1 comment:

Falcon said...

great to hear from you, been wating for this blog posting since you left. i know that you almost have no time to breath over there. but i am really happy for you. this is a great experience that you are going through now, i was in the same position alone in NYC in the summer of 2005, well at least i did not have to deal with the freezing weather. but i am glad that now we can have this in common. we miss you man and look forward to your return isa