Monday, June 1, 2009

Metal Gear Solid: Rising

The Microsoft E3 2009 conference has just ended and Kojima has announced that the MGS franchise is coming to the X360. For the fanboy claims, MGS did appear on other platforms than those made by Sony. MGS: Integral appeared on the PC, MGS2: Substance appeared on the Xbox and PC and MGS: Twin Snakes appeared on the Gamecube. I am not counting the GameBoy version and the iPhone one. So, it’s not a Sony-franchise. OK? Capiche?

But what makes me puzzled is that how Kojima can make the game on the X360 when you know that MGS4 occupied a full Blu-Ray disc, to the extent that it wasn’t possible to include both the English and Japanese voices on the same disc. How is the game going to fit in regular DVDs? It’s either going multi-DVD or the game will simply have to sacrifice something. I don’t think Kojima is stupid enough to cut some of the stuff on the PS3 version to compensate. Oh yes, the game is multiplatform for sure. Who says? Me.

According to Kojima, the game will feature Raiden. But I am a bit suspicious about the change of the game subtitle from Tactical Espionage Action to Lightning Bolt Action. I don’t want a Devil May Cry-clone. I want a Metal Gear Solid game. MGS2, which also featured Raiden, was simply awesome, and the ninja parts were great, but it wasn’t the whole game.

I guess we will have to wait and see. The countdown on the Kojima’s Next page will end in about one and half hours. Soon enough.

As for MGS4 on the X360, I don’t think that it will come. And I am quoting the live blog of Gamespot about the MS conference, “So much for MGS4 on the X360”. End of the story.

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