Sunday, May 31, 2009

Star Trek (2009) Review

I have never been a fan of Star Trek. Make no mistake, I had nothing against it, it’s just the fact that I wasn’t exposed to it to either like it or hate it. All I knew about it is that it had deep lore and if you want to be called a real geek, then you must know about Star Trek, and by know I mean be a real fan.

So, you can guess that I went to see the new Star Trek movie with a real open mind, after all, I had no real prejudice to like it or hate it. The only Star Trek material I have previously seen was about less than 10 minutes from one Star Trek movie. I guess it was the Insurrection movie.

The movie is great. It’s not spectacular and it won’t make it in my top 10 list for sci-fi movies, but it was really great. The production values are top notch with really impressive CGI and special effects. The music was also great, from the Medal of Honour and The Incredibles composer, Michael Giacchino.

This was supposed to be a reboot for the series, and after the movie ended, it was clear that a sequel is already in the works (that’s how they roll in Hollywood). The story was good with its fair share of twists but I can’t say anything here as it will spoil a good part of the plot. What I can say, is that it tells the early story of the Star Trek universe (which I honestly know nothing about), and almost all of the characters featured in the movie are much older in the series and previous movies. I think I spotted some homage to the original characters, but since I don’t know anything about the universe, I can’t be sure.

Where I think the movie excelled is in this: it managed to grab my attention to the Star Trek universe. I am a complete newcomer and I really liked it there. And if I have the time, I think I will try to watch the previous material like the previous 10 movies and the series. I know that I have the desire, but I simply lack the time, after all, this is too much viewing. But I am willing.

I was impressed.


P.S. I am starting a new rating method for movies. 3 stars are for the plot, writing and direction. 3 more are for the audio/visual department (music, CGI and presentation). And finally, 3 for the acting. The remaining star is my secret power-up that I will give to a movie according to the way I see fit, that is, if it deserves it of course.

To practise this: For this movie, it gets 3/3 for audio/video, 2/3 for writing, 1/3 for acting (I didn’t like Captain Kirk, although I liked Sylar, err, I mean Spok. Besides, don’t expect good acting in big budget movies, except those made by Christopher Nolan!). I choose to gift it with the extra point for creating some enthusiasm for the franchise for a newcomer like me.

E3 2009: Expectations

A new year, a new E3 (that’s Electronic Entertainment Exhibition in case you don’t know, in such case, get the hell out of my e-space), and a new round of rumors, speculations and expectations. Here is the list of the things I am waiting for/suspecting/hoping to be in this year’s E3.

Please note that for multiplatform games, the PC is my platform of choice.

The Mighty PC:

  1. Halo 3 and Gears of War 2 are announced for the PC.
  2. Duke Nukem Forever lives!
  3. Half-Life 2: Episode 3 news. It’s about time, Valve!!! Also, how about Portal 2?!!!
  4. Mafia II, Bioshock 2, Batman: Arkham Asylum, StarCraft II, Assassin’s Creed II, Rage, Doom 4, Alan Wake, Max Payne 3, The Saboteur, Battlefield: Bad Company 2, Battlefield: Heroes, Splinter Cell: Conviction news/gameplay/release date.
  5. Modern Warfare 2 gameplay and details.
  6. Resident Evil 5 PC and Street Fighter IV PC details and release date, including system requirements!
  7. GTAIV DLC comes to the PC.
  8. Dead Space 2?
  9. Mass Effect 2. (Still have to play the first though)
  10. Aliens vs Predator reboot. Oh… The memories!
  11. Crysis 2. I mean, come on... I want to know what happened after the cliffhanger ending! But I don't want something that will tell me that my PC is crap.


  1. Price cut.
  2. Price cut.
  3. Oh, a price cut!
  4. Kojima’s next game (Whatever the hell it is!)
  5. Team ICO’s next game. (see previous post)
  6. God of War III. (Zeus… Your days are numbered!)
  7. Heavy Rain: The Origami Killer.
  8. The new rumored slim PS3.
  9. Uncharted 2.
  10. MAG
  11. The next rumored Twisted Metal.
  12. LA Noire?
  13. Okami sequel?
  14. Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2

Xbox 360:

  1. Price cut.
  2. Halo 3: ODST
  3. Crackdown 2

Console-only multiplatform:

  1. Dante’s Inferno
  2. Wet
  3. Tekken 6
  4. Brutal Legend
  5. Army of Two 2
  6. Bayonetta... Just watch the new E3 trailer. It's Devil May Cry but with a chick and more bad-ass moves.


  1. No More Heroes 2 and Red Steel 2
  2. Funny conference!

So, what do you think? Post your thoughts and expectations in the comments.

Update: Added Crackdown 2, Portal 2, Crysis 2, Bayonetta and Army of Two 2.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Monday, May 11, 2009

The King is… Dead?


Always bet on Duke.

I was still hoping that someday I will see Duke saving babes from evil aliens. I think I saw the E3 2001 trailer in 2002 or so, and the moment I saw it, I told myself, “This is going to be awesome!”

Years passed, more years passed, and now, after 12 years from the initial announcement of the game… 3D Realms have closed shop for financial reasons. They still own the Duke IP (intellectual property) and their publisher, Take-Two, still holds publishing rights, but as far as everyone is concerned, now we may never see the game at all.

What makes Duke special? Well, he is the man. Duke Nukem 3D was one of my favourite games. I played it at friends’, in school (Oh yeah!) and on my PC and PS. I played the 3rd person PS games that came out and I even played the Manhattan Project side-scrolling game on the PC. I was really waiting. I am patient, very patient.

So, what’s in the future for Duke? This maybe the greatest publicity stunts ever and a month or so later we all get surprised with the game being released! Or some other company can buy the rights from the now defunct 3D Realms and finish the game and release it. And last but not least, this may be the true end of the Duke.

Hail to the King, baby…

In the past 4 or 5 days, I have seen screenshots, gameplay footage (leaked of course) and plot details than I have ever seen in all the past years. Make sure you head there and there. And if you want to really have a few big laughs, head over there and read about what happened in the 12 years of DNF development, including a pre-order receipt for the game!

Ooops, it seems that the leaked gameplay footage was pulled offline. But it’s available on Youtube. I am not going to host it here as it has some nudity in it. This is a family-safe blog!