Tuesday, March 17, 2009

An open letter to the BBC

I have written this in response to this article that I read today on the BBC website. I have filed an official complaint at their website, and to their praise, the procedure was trouble free.

Update: As of 11/5/2009, I still haven't received from them any reply. I don't think I ever will.

Dear BBC,

Regarding the article that you posted today about Egypt:

First of all, why is this news?! This is not posted as a BBC magazine article or an analysis of some sort by one of your excellent writers. This was posted news. I read it over and over and I am yet to see an informative thing about it. This is more of “propaganda machine” article than something I have come to expect from your prestigious company. The word BBC is associated in my mind with honesty and professionalism. Your news on the radio, TV and Internet gain my immediate trust and I value them more than any other news from any other source, whether it's local or international.

After reading the article I mentioned over and over, what is the writer trying to say? That Cairo lost its glamor and culture because we no longer have cabarets and pubs?! That we no longer have culture because belly dancing and alcohol consumption are being controlled? Is this what an entity as informed as the BBC refer to as culture? This is really a disgrace. I mean let me get this straight: You are claiming that Egypt is falling in the hands of extremists because it no longer has a Western nightlife? That we no longer have culture because our own culture is not compatible with your culture. Every nation has its own rules. Every religion has its own rules. The writer of your article needs to go to a library and look for an atlas to know that there are other countries in the world than his own, whatever and wherever that

I just hope that any “trigger happy” person in charge of some Western nation doesn't read your article and then start a Holy Crusade to liberate us, poor Egyptians, and give us back the culture that you claim was taken from us by the fanatics, in the same manner that Democracy® and Freedom® were given to the Iraqis and the Afghans.

I have been a loyal reader, but not anymore...

Thanks BBC.