Saturday, March 15, 2008


It's a sunny winter afternoon, people are walking in the street and everyone is happy... But wait a minute, there is a woman screaming... A flat is burning. Policemen arrived. Someone is calling the fire brigade. Cars are slowing down so their drivers can see what's going on.

# Insert John William's music here #

Someone yelled, "Look at the sky." What's this? It's a plane. No, it's an eagle. No, it's a piece of cloth. No, it's Superman... No, it's not. It's FALCON-MAN... The Man himself!

Flashback: here is how everything started.

I was driving home after going to the local computer mall with my dear friend Falcon (as you can see, I didn't know his secret identity, yet). We noticed a lot of people standing in the street with a police officer or two. Some MPs were there (you do know why, don't you?). A few seconds later, we saw the fire extending out of a window. A lot of people were standing there. Before we knew that there was a fire we thought it was an accident and we were looking to see if someone needed our medical knowledge. But after we knew it was a fire, I looked to the passenger's seat and saw Falcon changing into Falcon-Man. I smiled and thought, "so, it's you!" Falcon got out of the car and said to me, "I will go up and check if someone is still there." I said, "But it can't be, with all those people standing there." But he didn't listen and went ahead. I don't know why he used the stairs, but I guess he didn't want to blow his secret identity to everyone... He didn't have his mask.

My car was in a very awkward position. After a few moments, I was forced to change its position to make way for the cars already honking their horns behind me. I stopped at the opposite side of the street, facing the burning building. I couldn't park there, as this is a very sensitive area. So, I stayed there looking at the gathered people.

After some minutes, I started to call Falcon on his cell phone, but he didn't answer. I didn't know what to do. I called him again. No answer. Some moments later, the firemen arrived, and I found Falcon-Man returning to the car, now that his work was done.

The following part is written as told by the great Falcon-Man (Legal notice: This is exclusive to this blog. Falcon-Man didn't authorize any other geek to write about his adventures. If I see his heroics written on any other site, I will be very angry. You won't like me when I am angry. Besides, I have some powerful friends, eh?):

I went up the stairs quickly. I heard a woman yelling, "my mother is still in there." I busted the door open with a single kick. I checked the door knob to see if it's hot or not. (Snake's note: He later told me that it's a safety procedure so that those who are opening the door won't be engulfed in the flames because of the pressure difference. Not that the flames will hurt him.)

I went in, I yelled for the lady. I found her in her bedroom. I took her to safety. It was very difficult to see inside. My infrared vision was disturbed because of the heat, so I used my cell phone to light the way for me. I saw that I was getting a call from Snake. I couldn't answer now... What a sissy?!

After I handed over the lady to some gentlemen at the door, I went in again. Again it was very difficult to see. I shouted if there was anyone else in there. But there wasn't. I went inside the burning room. It was the kitchen. It was very hot inside and the flames were apparently coming from the natural gas pipes. (Snake's note: Later on I told him that I saw some workers cutting the main gas supply.) Water wouldn't work. It was time to use my Freezing Breath move. I took a deep breath, but alas... I inhaled some smoke that made this pathetic human lung irritated. I started coughing... Imagine this... It was worse than Mac-onite!!! I thought about doing the super spinning move to create the nano-Black Hole. But then, I heard the fire brigade cars coming. I thought, "Oh well, let them have some of the glory. There is nothing left but the dirty work."

I went back to the building entrance. I looked to the car where Snake stopped, but the car wasn't there. What a sissy? Did he turn tail and ran? I looked further and I saw him parked in a far place. I should change my friends. Too bad Falcon-Woman wasn't with me today.

This act of selfless heroism made me really ashamed of myself. I didn't go up there, not because I was afraid (I wasn't afraid, and that's the truth). But I just didn't go up there. Maybe it was the car. Maybe I thought that there was no need (I didn't know that there was someone in the flat until Falcon told me). I am really ashamed of myself.

But I am more than happy to know a person like Falcon. I am really honoured to have him as my friend. What he did today was an example to everyone. I hope it will be one of his good deeds to present before Allah on the Day of Judgment.

What? Where are the pictures?! I am Amorphous Snake, not Peter Parker!